Unser Motto der Gruppe
Be who you are and grow big.
Als kleiner Bär kommst du zu uns
und gehst bärenstark in die Welt hinaus.
- early shift takes place from 7.15 till 8.00 a.m.
- starting from 8.00 a.m. we await your child in our group
- the children have time to play
during our playing time your child can decide on its own where, what or with whom it wants to play. We give suggestions and advises when needed by the child. - Around 9.15 a.m. we start with our morning circle
- after that we have breakfast together
- between 11.00 till 12.00 a.m. we go outside
- late shift takes place from 12.00 till 13.00 o´clock and it´s going to be outside